n 2017, Janny took her first steps into ufology in Quebec by joining the provincial MUFON Quebec team, then led by Marc St-Germain. Her involvement quickly led her to become the Director of Investigations, a key role within MUFON. Shortly thereafter, Marc St-Germain was considered for the position of National Director of MUFON Canada, and Janny took over the leadership of MUFON Quebec. In 2020, upon her return to France with her husband, MUFON France was going through a difficult period. With the approval of the MUFON Bureau in the United States, Janny resumed leadership of the organization in France starting in July. She revitalized the team and received support from several former investigators, including Éric Barrouillet. Later, the arrival of new figures, such as Jean-François Opsomer, whom she later entrusted with the direction, marked an important turning point for the organization. In parallel with her role within MUFON, Janny became the first French-speaking person to be authorized to join the Experiencer Resource Team (ERT) of Kathleen Marden, a team specializing in supporting individuals who believe they have been abducted. Upon returning to her home country and facing the overwhelming number of requests from experiencers, Janny set up a support team consisting of Éric Barrouillet, Jean-François Opsomer, and Emma Feuille. To date, she has supported around sixty people worldwide in this delicate process.
From the beginning in Quebec, Janny resumed the layout of a digital magazine that rewards and informs MUFON members, Le Vigilant. She later adapted this idea for France, creating a digital magazine that would become Contacts!. After stepping down from the leadership of MUFON, she shifted toward the creation of the renowned paper magazine Lumières Dans la Nuit (LDLN), where she currently serves as the editor-in-chief.
Today, Janny continues to work with the ERT (Experiencer Resource Team) for abductees and is also part of the international investigators of the CAG (Case Assistance Group) of MUFON.

MUFON is a non-governmental organization founded in the United States in 1969. With nearly 5,000 members worldwide and approximately 10,000 reports received annually, MUFON is the largest organization dedicated to the study of UFO phenomena and related experiences.
MUFON uses the scientific method to conduct its investigations.
The three goals of MUFON are:
I. Investigate UFO sightings and collect data in the MUFON database, so that it can be used by researchers around the world.
II. Promote research on UFOs to discover the nature of the phenomenon, with the ultimate goal of making scientific breakthroughs and improving life on our planet.
III. Educate the public on the UFO phenomenon and its potential impact on society.