Nicolas Dumont

Clinical Psychologist and Transpersonal Psychotherapist

  • Saturday, June 28 – 4:30 PM / 6:00 PM – Psychological and clinical expertise on witnesses and experiencers. Exploration of the psychological impacts of abduction experiences.

    • Table ronde et échanges sur les effets physiques et psychologiques, et approches thérapeutiques engagées sur les études de cas.


Nicolas Dumont is a clinical psychologist, transpersonal psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, and recognized expert on altered states of consciousness and extraordinary experiences. He is a trainer and supervisor in trance practices and transpersonal psychology. He practices in France, Spain, and Mexico, where he spends several months each year.
He is the creator of transpersonal Ericksonian hypnosis, and trains professionals at the School of Trance. He is one of four official trainers in France for holotropic breathing (Grof Legacy Training). With over 15 years of expertise in expanded states of consciousness induced by psychedelics, he also works on their integration. He worked for several years at INREES (Institute for Research on Extraordinary Experiences) and is a co-founder of CEROFrance (an association for welcoming and supporting abductees).
Following the work of John Mack, he has studied over a hundred cases of abductions and other UFO-related contacts. His analyses and reflections are compiled in a book: Clinique des Abductions. Clinique des abductions.
He is currently continuing his clinical research on contact with exogenous intelligences in both spontaneous and induced contexts (e.g., DMT). He focuses particularly on the issues of possession and exorcism, and is involved in creating a multidisciplinary study group on the subject in France and Mexico.

He is the author of Hypnose ericksonienne transpersonnelle : théorie et pratique (éd. Trédaniel) ; Clinique des abductions (JMG Publishing), and co-author of Grand livre des transes et des états modifiés de conscience (Dunod publishing).